Displaying 331 - 340 of 1275.
A limited number of Coptic activists demonstrated after the sermon of Pope Tawadros against the statements of Bishop Bola stating that “the Copts must forget the events of Maspero.” 
General Sāmih Bashādy, security director of North Sinai, stated that the search for two of the Coptic citizens, kidnapped in ‘Arīsh, is ongoing. Several campaigns have been made to try to find them.
Dr. Muhammad Abū al-Nasr, Minister of Education, stated that the ministry has completed a manual entitled the ‘manual for teachers in values, morals and citizenship’. 
In the immediate aftermath of the announcement of the Ministry of Interior of its campaign to remove the poster "did you pray for the prophet today" new popular initiatives started appearing, calling to print a million posters to distribute to the people in their homes. 
The Supreme Board of the Azhar headed by Dr. Ahmad al- Tayyib has granted the custodian of the two holy places, King ‘Abd Allah bin Abd al- Azīz  a honorary doctorate (author not mentioned, al- Shurūq, Aug 20, p. 3).  
Pope Tawadros II has left Alexandria after a pastoral visit that continued for three days. 
The Sufī Tarīqahs declared their  support to Abd al- Fattāh al-Sīsī’s bid to presidency. ‘Abd al-Hadī al-Qassabī, the leading Shaykh of the Sufī tarīqahs stated that there is no division among Sufīs in that regard. Qassabī stated that al-Sīsī is the man of this period and a national figure who has...
The Ministry of Endowments announced that two preachers’ convoys are heading to the Sinai today under the auspices of the Azhar Shaykh, Dr. al–Tayyīb, to give the Friday sermon and a number of religious lectures and seminars with people in Sinai, particularly youth (Muhammad ‘Antar, al- Shurūq, Jan...
A source in the Giza security department stated that the investigations unit  revealed that the corpse of a young Christian man who was shot to death was found next to al-Madīnah Mosque in October City. 
A source in the Giza security department stated that the investigations unit  revealed that the corpse of a young Christian man who was shot to death was found next to al-Madīnah Mosque in October City. 


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