Displaying 141 - 150 of 322.
Al- Tahrīr newspaper was informed that a number of the Da’wah al- Salafiah leaders have announced that they shall leave any form of political work in order to be allowed to preach in mosques. 
Dr. Yusuf al- Qaradāwī, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholar has requested the members of the union to convene in Turkey to discuss the crisis that the Muslim Brotherhood organization is going through.
The Diocese of Maghāghah and al- ‘Adawah in Minya requested the security forces to intensify their presence in front of the churches. 
A new fitnah can start a war between Sufis and Salafis. The latter insisted on destroying the shrine of Shaykh Ali al- Kurdī, a famous Sufī saint, in RashīdCity, Beheira Governorate. 
Head of the Nūr Party board, Tāriq Suhry, stated that the coming parliament will be dissolved as its law is unconstitutional. He stated that the law stipulates that Copts and women be on the lists and added that this is a form of discrimination that is against the Constitution.
Despite confessing before the official investigation authorities of his complicity with the defrocked Monk Ishʿayāʾ al-Maqārī in the murder of Anbā Epiphaniyūs, Bishop of the St. Makāriyyūs Monastery in Wādī al-Natrūn, but the Holy Synod’s Monastic Affairs Committee has not yet decided the fate of...
The judge in the first instance court of Giza ruled that the defendants in the case of killing a policeman in 6th of October City to be kept under arrest for two weeks pending investigations. They stated that they were doing this operation as a form of jihād for God’s sake (Sāmih ‘Awad Allah, al-...
Shaykh Ahmad Ni'ayna', Qur’ān reciter, and member of the Syndicate of Reciters  stated that Shaykh Muhammad al-Tabalāwī did not suspend him from the syndicate as has been earlier stated.
‘Abūd al- Zumur, leader in the Jamā’ah al- ‘Islāmiyah, stated that carrying weapons against the army and the police is religiously prohibited (harām).
Egyptians have Egyptianized the three heavenly religions coming to Egypt! For that reason the practices of Christianity and Islam are similar in Egypt. They all follow Egyptian traditions, before they are associated to a particular religion. For example, the tradition of writing wishes on papers...


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