Displaying 1 - 10 of 2159.
Al-Wafd interviewed newly ordained Archbishop of the Anglican/Episcopal Church Sāmī Fawzī, discussing several topics like the new personal status law and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam dispute.  The interview is as follows:
Commenting on the storming of the US Capitol Building, several human rights activists stressed that the recent American presidential elections have once again exposed the shortcomings inside the United States’ democratic system and its usage of human rights domestically and internationally for...
Shīʿah leaders asked for representation for their minority in the Constituent Committee responsible for amending the suspended constitution. They said that what matters the most is the not to repeat the mistakes that led the previous regime to exclude the Shīʿah community from the commission for...
Presidency confirmed that President Muhammad Mursi (Mūrsī) held a surprise meeting with Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, and Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb, Grand Shaykh of the Azhar, at the Presidential Palace (Nāsir 'Abd al-Majīd, al-Wafd, June 19, p. 4). Read original text in Arabic.
Egypt is passing through an ocean of ignorance and a dark stage of its history but Copts are the salt of the earth and life would never be the same if they emigrated outside their homeland to be strangers in another country.
Sharīf Jādallah, a lawyer of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), filed a complaint against Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, accusing him of allegedly igniting fitnah tā’ifīyah among protestors by withdrawing the Church’s representatives from the Constituent Assembly. 
Bishop Rafael stated that the refusal of some Coptic streams of Bishop Bola’s appointment in the Constituent Assembly is not well examined. He also stated that the Church does not deal with the Copts as sheep. He added that the wave of atheism that has spread among the Egyptian youth after the...
Attacks against Copts The ‘Amīriyah 2 Prosecution in Western Alexandria is currently investigating a complaint submitted by the priest of the Mary Mina Church, Yusab Kamāl, in the King Marriot Area. He stated in his complaint that unknown persons are threatening to kill him and are requesting him...
Pope Tawadros stated in a TV interview that Egypt cannot be compared to any country in the world and needs a man such as al-Sīsī. He stated that in the past elections the Church has supported Ahmad Shafīq, as he is qualified and has managed the Ministry of Aviation well, which is why they supported...
Bishop Paul, the representative of the Orthodox Church in the Constituent Assembly (also known as the Committee of 50), stated that he has not yet made a final decision on Article 219 of the suspended constitution. The article that has explained the principles of sharī’ah has been left by the...


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