Displaying 151 - 160 of 174.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) marks the first day of the Dutch Coptic Organization’s Annual Conference, in the Dutch capital of Amsterdam. The conference is titled “Modern Egypt Under the Shadow of the Contempt of Religions Law.” The conference will be attended by a selection of thinkers and...
Dr. ʿAlī ʿAbd al-ʿĀl, President of the Egyptian House of Representatives, confirmed that Parliament is the only party responsible for the issue of determining naval borders between Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  He added that he did not ask for the suspension of Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā’s program, during his...
Bishop Antonius, Bishop of the Holy See and the Near East, headed the ordination prayers for the first priests of the Coptic community in Kuwait, alongside a number of the church’s bishops.
Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn al-Hilālī, Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence at al-Azhar University, said that the entire Egyptian society used to perform marriages in a verbal manner (like ʿurfī marriages) until 1931. 
Counselor Najīb Gabriel, President of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights, received a complaint from Ms. Manāl Iskandar, the wife of Mr. Saʿd Khalīl Tawfīq. 
Christmas Eve in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo… Christmas Eve… Our national history will record this as significant and it will remain on our minds, not only because it was President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī’s second visit to the Cathedral, but also because of the value of this historic visit...
Pastor Paul Ḥalīm, official spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox Church, said that the Coptic community in England organized a Christmas celebration, attended by Ambassador Nāṣir Kāmil, Egyptian ambassador to the United Kingdom, and Dr. Jalāl Saʿīd, President of the Egyptian Community.
The Coptic Street [community] witnessed several events during the past week… We follow the most prominent of them in the proceeding article. 
Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, Muftī of the Republic, greeted a high-profile delegation from the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Dutch parliament, headed by Angeline Eijsink, and joined by the Dutch ambassador in Cairo. 
High-ranking religious leaders have ruled out that the scenario of the expulsion of Christians from some Arab countries such as Iraq and Syria will be repeated in Egypt, stressing that the Christian presence in Egypt will remain strong.


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