Date of source: Friday, June 23, 2017
"I was very touched when I heard that Christians, who represent an important fabric of Egyptian society, respect the rituals of Islam and are very careful not to eat nor drink during the daytime in Ramadan, accompanying their Muslim brothers" said Ali Riza Güney, acting Turkish ambassador to...
Date of source: Friday, June 23, 2017
Consultant ʿĀdil al-Shūrbajī, First Deputy President of the Court of Cassation and Chairman of the Committee on Party Affairs, said that the committee referred the papers of six political parties to the Attorney-General to investigate the extent of their violation of the Political Parties Law...
Date of source: Saturday, June 24, 2017
TV show “Lasaʿāt” hosted Dr. Rev Augustine (Ughasṭīnyūs) Maurice, pastor of the The Holy Family Church in al-Zaytūn to present his book A Historical View of the Coptic Catholic Community in Egypt (rū’ya tārīkhiyya li-ṭā’ifat al-aqbāṭ al-kāthūlīk fī miṣr).
Date of source: Friday, June 23, 2017
The Catholic Church of the Red Sea congratulated Al-Azhar on the occasion of ʿĪd al-Fiṭr
Date of source: Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Today marks the anniversary of the prominent author Iḥsān ʿAbd al-Qudūs’ death on January 11th, 1990. ʿAbd al-Qudūs is responsible for the most famous stories in Egyptian cinema. In the following, we offer some words on his live… his upbringing? His relationship with women? His family? And how was...
Date of source: Monday, January 9, 2017
10 were killed and 11 wounded in a car bomb attack on a security checkpoint in al-ʿArīsh [al-Arish], North Sinai. This information was provided by medical sources. The attack was followed by a clash with automatic weapons, which led to the wounding of 10 policemen and 10 civilians. Furthermore, one...
Date of source: Wednesday, March 8, 2017
His eminence Bishop Bīmin, head of the Crisis Committee of the Holy Synod of the church, accompanied by Bishop Qūzmān of North Sinai, made a visit to the families of al-ʿArīsh in the camp of al-Qirsh in al-Ismāʿīlīya to inspect the conditions of the Coptic families displaced from their homes. The...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 1, 2014
AFP stated that Copts have celebrated the New Year and showed that they have no regret for the protests that they took part in requesting the deposal of the former president Muhammad Mursī. Copts prayed for Egypt on Wednesday during the New Years mass for peace to prevail in Egypt after months of...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Mustafá Khattāb, head of the Ayn Shams Prosecution ordered an autopsy for the corpse of the Copt that was killed by unknown assailants in an attack on MarGirgisChurch in Ayn Shams in order to know the cause of death. The prosecution moved to the Church in order to inspect the place where the crime...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Nagu’īb Sawiris, the Egyptian businessman, has thanked the Ministry of Interior for succeeding in securing churches on New Years Eve (Na’īm Yūsuf, Copts United, Jan. 1).