Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The Muslim Council of Elders is participating for the first time in the 38th edition of the Foire Internationale du Livre de Tunis, or the Tunis International Book Fair, which will be held from April 19 to 28 in the Tunisian capital.
Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned attempts by the Israeli occupation police to evacuate the Cow Garden, which is considered part of the property of the Armenian Patriarchate in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.
An official from the Islamic Research Academy affirmed that al-Azhar is open to all religious institutions within and outside Egypt.
The Muslim Council of Elders is participating for the second time in a row with a special booth at the New Delhi Book Fair, one of the region’s largest events in terms of  number of visitors, taking place from February 10 to 18.  
The Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, asserted that verification is the first step in the sound extrapolation of legal rulings in Islam, particularly concerning the Prophet Muḥammad’s Sunna (tradition). However, in the case of the Qurʾān, there is absolute definitive sourcing and meaning...
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