Displaying 141 - 150 of 555.
Muslim Brotherhood’s First Deputy, Dr. Muhammad Habîb, stormed out of the media conference held at the Irshād [Guidance] office last Wednesday after Dr. Nu‘mān Jumca evaded many questions about his stance on the establishment of a Muslim Brotherhood political party.
It is not true that the movie Kingdom of Heaven has been fair to Arabs and tolerant of Islam. On the contrary, it supported the everlasting Western theory of depicting European commanders as having immense human kindness and that they only enter wars for the sake of the people, while the Arabs...
The Basilica of Saint Peter has recently seen the inauguration of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and sovereign of Vatican City 16 days after the funeral of Pope John Paul II.
Nicholas Papadimas is the hero of the hour in Israel and the focal point of a good deal of gossip on the Jewish street, being the Trojan horse that helped Zionism sneak into the Greek Orthodox Church and seize more Palestinian territories in Jerusalem, including the ‘Umar Ibn al-Khattāb square,...
When Pope John Paul II paid a historic visit to Syria in 2001, he entered the Umayyad Mosque, where Muslims used to head right and Christians used to head left for prayer during the 7th century.
Long before the elections begin, various organizations are in a hectic race to win the dollars of foreign funding made available to monitor the forthcoming elections. Sa’cd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm has struck gold securing 10 million dollars in Canadian-European-US funding.
In the run up to a vote on Egypt’s membership in the UN Human Rights Council, the author questions the position of the Egyptian rights organizations opposing Egypt’s candidacy.
During its campaigns for the Shūrá Council elections, the Muslim Brotherhood issued an electoral platform that underlines the importance of general freedoms. Believing that Copts are welcome to all posts, it also supports the role played by the church in implementing social norms. The platform is...
The Knights of Malta and al-Qā‘idah are religious-military organizations established to drive enemies away.
The article discusses the issue of exploiting Islamic Sharī‘ah for business purposes.


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