Date of source: Sunday, December 21, 2003
The author comments on the demand of some congressmen that $1 million of American aid be allocated to the Ibn Khaldoun Center. He believes that they were aiming either at sowing discord between the center and people who deal with it or wanted to prove that the center functions under their...
Date of source: Sunday, November 30, 2003
The decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court to admit the right of Feritcha Luiden, a teacher, to take a scarf while doing her work and its statement that the German authorities were wrong when they ordered her suspension produced a wide-ranging debate and deep splits within German...
Date of source: Sunday, November 30, 2003
The author reports about a visit she made to France during which she visited the well-known grand mosque in Paris. At the mosque, she was unexpectedly showered with insults. A woman explained to her that there are some extremists who sit at the mosque for the purpose of harassing women. She decided...
Date of source: Tuesday, December 2, 2003
For the last few months, France has been witnessing a cultural and ideological conflict that arises from what we may call renewing the religious discourse. The conflict started when the former French Minister of Interior invented the term “the Islam of France,” which developed to become an...
Date of source: Sunday, November 2, 2003
The author comments on the character of Daniel Pipes and his views on Islam as well as on his appointment to the US Institute for Peace. He believes that Pipes is not merely an enemy of Islam but an example of a person who mistakenly claims to have a profound knowledge of Islam.
Date of source: Sunday, September 21, 2003
The author comments on the reasons behind closing the Zayed Center for Coordination and Follow up. The center was accused of anti-Semitism.
Date of source: Sunday, September 21, 2003
The author refutes the claims that Islam poses a danger to Western civilization.
Date of source: Sunday, July 6, 2003
Ahmad Shaheen interviewed former member of the Dutch parliament Judith Belinfante. She is leading an alliance for the sake of peace, including Palestinians and Muslims. Dutch parliament member Zsolt Zabo? represents the VVD and is from Hungarian origin. The MP with two nationalities beliefs...
Date of source: Sunday, September 14, 2003
The writer discusses with the Mufti of Eritrea the issue of Muslim-non-Muslim relations [Editor: Eritrea is about 50% Muslim and 50% Christian, relations between Muslims and Christians in the country are generally very good].
Date of source: Sunday, September 7, 2003
AWR organized with support of the Dutch Embassy in Cairo a one week visit for two journalists to The Netherlands. The unique thing of this program was that the two journalists were able to stay in Dutch families and could experience Dutch society from the inside. This article describes Shaheen...