Displaying 91 - 100 of 342.
Dr. Kamal Boraiq'a responded to the summary of Bishop Cragg's lecture in the RNSAW. Dr. Boraiq´a does not believe polemic discussions at to the understanding of the faith of the other and even could lead to conflict. Dr. Boraiq´a then continues to explain the Islamic point of view of participating...
The author gives his opinion of the lecture of Bishop Cragg and writes about “the historic reception of Dr. Cragg in the oldest Islamic university.” This visit has offered a good opportunity for students at the Azhar to learn about Christianity. “Meetings like this foster understanding between the...
The RNSAW sent the summary of Akher Saa to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and received a response of the chairman of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Egypt.
The article gives the impression that the general opinion in Germany is opposed to the building of mosques. Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss, a German scholar and pastor who published before in the RNSAW, argued in correspondence with the RNSAW that this view is incorrect.
Media critique on the Palestinian issue in the Egyptian Press. Meeting with Bible Society director Ramez Atallah about the way the Bible has been translated into Arabic.
[This text was seen by H.G. Bishop Botros before placement in the RNSAW] The RNSAW reported in week 06A, art. 16 about Bishop Botros´ fear his farm and project for mentally handicapped at Patmos would be damaged by a neighboring army unit. That fear was based on the destruction of some newly...
The article in al-Musawwar has, in all likelyhood, a political background. It helps the government to test the ground whether or not the Mormon church should be granted a permit to function in Egypt.
Announcement of a new book of Father Dr. John Watson, member of the Board of Advisors of the RNSAW, about “The Transfigured Cross; A Study of Father Bishoi Kamel.” This study was written to provide a comprehensive appreciation of what Father Watson sees as the most significant gift of modern Coptic...
The Reformatorisch Dagblad, a Dutch daily, reported on February 11 about the fear of Bishop Botros that an army unit would cause damage to his project for handicapped children at Patmos. This did not happen but the Bishop´s fear was based on his experiences with the same army unit (but with a...
Dr. Milad Hanna (77), a much respected Coptic thinker and politician in Egypt who was awarded the UNESCO Simon Bolivar prize for his efforts in intercultural dialogue, was severely attacked by some Coptic activists in the Copts Daily Digest after his visit with Dr. Kamal Abul-Magd to Washington DC...


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