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Nūr, a magazine for children founded by the World Organization for Al-Azhar Graduates, continues its journey with Grand Imām of Al-Azhar University, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, which last year began to provide the opportunity for a dialogue with children in the book Children Ask the Imam.
Is precaution doubting in God’s ability?!  Is using reason to fight the Coronavirus a lack of faith?!  On the margin of these difficult questions, the controversy around using the spoon in the sacrament of the Eucharist again resurfaces thanks to the personal ambitions of some priests and clergy as...
Officials of the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt said in a press conference on Monday (November 19) said that there was no justification for the withdrawal of the churches and civil powers.
Many Copts hailed the acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius who fairly and adeptly ran the church’s affairs during a transitional period that followed the death of Pope Shenouda III earlier this year.
Many question marks have been surrounding the five the candidates to succeed Pope Shenouda III as patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church in light of talk inside the church on the need to have a pope would not venture into politics.
Rose al-Yūsuf has published an interview with Midhat Qilādah, president of the Union of Coptic Organisations in Europe, who will hold a meeting with representatives of the European Union to present the conditions for Copts in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī. In the interview Qilādah claims...
An unidentified author in Rose al-Yūsuf magazine denies that Islam permits the punishment of those who revert from Islam. After citing examples from the Qur'ān and Hadīth, the writer goes on to say: “those who espouse radical religious ideas deny the role of reason because they wish to impose their...
Meanwhile, 'Ādil 'Afīfī, the leader of the salafī al-Asālah (Authenticity) Party, said that the presence of a Coptic vice president in the presidential team "divides the society on sectarian basis," adding salafists refuse this. He added that if Article II of the constitution did not contain the...
Muftī of the Republic Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah said that the protection of Christian minority is a religious duty that must be shouldered by the Muslim majority, urging quick, fair and deterring trials against the perpetrators involved in the Dahshūr incidents. Commenting on rumors about the construction of...
Bishop Pachomius, after settling on a final list of candidates for the Saint Mark chair, will produce some documentaries so the church may acquaint the Coptic voters with the candidates. The documentaries will include the candidates’ CVs and most prominent milestones in their service of the Coptic...


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