Displaying 1341 - 1350 of 5065.
The author asserts that within the concept of citizenry, discrimination, particularly religious discrimination, cannot be allowed.
Labīb Halīm Labīb comments on freedom of expression and the need to monitor what one says, as freedom to blaspheme religions is not granted.
The author comments on the belief that monks cannot commit any mistakes, and the surprise that follows when they do.
Comments on a Catholic paper and its national appeal.
Monasticism is based on the philosophy of optional poverty and getting close to God in complete isolation, states author Amīr Habīb.
The author comments on the evolution of monasticism, and its spread throughout Europe.
Pope Shenouda celebrates his 54th anniversary of his ordination as a monk while urging priests and bishops to stay focused on their positions.
The article discusses the proposed amendments to the Personal Status Law, and the difficulties that arise within these proposals.
The author questions to what extent the media sensationalizes sectarian issues.
Labīb comments on U.S. Senator Wolf and considers accusations of Christian Zionism in the U.S. Administration.


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