Displaying 2001 - 2010 of 5065.
The article reviews a book authored by Bishop Paphnotius, the bishop of Samālūṭ, entitled, ‘Min-Abhāth al-Qānūn al-Kanasī: Muqawimāt al-Usquf wa-Rakā’izahu’ [From the Research on the Church Regulations: Fundamentals and Pillars of the Bishop]. In the book, Paphnotius draws the borders and powers...
The Muslim Brotherhood group has finally published their assumed political party’s platform. The platform has been criticized by a number of human rights activists, regarding it a step backward as it is built upon religious authority.
The following article presents the second and final installment of a two-series article that discusses Aḥmad Maḥmūd ‘Abd Allāh, or Abū Islām Ahmad ‘Abd Allāh as he preferred to be known as.
The article discusses Aḥmad Maḥmūd ‘Abdullah or Abū Islām Ahmad ‘Abd Allāh, as he preferred to be referred to as.
Jamāl As‘ad says that the several offensive statements against Islam produced by the Roman Catholic Church reveal the church’s plan to play a role in politics, taking sides with the West in the current Islam-West conflict.
A new wave of anger swept the Muslim world in response to the provocative statements of a Dutch statesman who called to ban the circulation of the Qur’ān in The Netherlands, describing it as an ‘unbearable book’ that promotes hatred and terrorism.
For years, senior posts in the Egyptian administrative system have been granted to employees that officials have confidence in, rather than to employees who are both qualified and professional.
Sulaymān Shafīq comments on the controversy surrounding the elections of the Coptic patriarch, arguing that whether the patriarch should be a monk or a married priest is not the core issue. In his view, the agenda of the next pope is a more important subject in light of the challenges that the...
Each time the reform issue is raised, clergymen announce their rejection and accuse advocates of reform of abusing the fundamentals of belief. They do not try to understand what the desired reform is and why it is being urged on them.
Curricula contain subjects that entrench religious extremism and create intolerant terrorist groups that divide people into categories of believers and non-believers.


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