Displaying 2221 - 2230 of 5065.
National and private newspapers deliberately concealed the news about appointing female judges and did not care to highlight it in a appropriate manner due to the controversy that has surrounded the issue.
Sulaymān Shafīq reports on the Second Laymen’s Conference concerning secularism.
Robier al-Faris reports on Father ‘Abd al-Massīh Basīt’s book in which he refutes the claims of James Cameron concerning ‘The Lost Tomb of Jesus.’
Bishop Kyrillos denied being subject to trial and asserted that the aim of his visit to Saint Mark’s Cathedral in ‘Abbāsīyah is to congratulate Pope Shenouda on Easter as he used to do.
This press review presents a summary of a series of articles published in Rose al-Yūsuf. Hānī Labīb writes about the history of the relationship between the pope as the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and the president of the Republic of Egypt from the mandate of Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāsir until the...
Researchers will be able to present their research in ’’the auction’’ that Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, will hold for researchers in a conference about article two of the Constitution, its amendment and its relation with citizenship, next week.
A sweeping uproar over a chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ
The author reviews Christ’s teachings on the occasion of Lent, Passion Week, and Easter.
The author criticizes the exaggerated rites of the Coptic Orthodox Church and asks to update the rites in a manner that corresponds with the present life, arguing that rites are a product of man and need to correspond with reality.
The Egyptian press paid special attention to the Easter celebrations. Droves of people crowded in Saint Mark’s Cathedral in al-‘Abbāsīyah to greet Pope Shenouda who appreciated the attention of the government represented by a presidential delegation and Egypt’s prime minister who was present with...


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