Date of source: Friday, April 6, 2007
The Muslim Brotherhood has criticized the Coptic Orthodox Church, particularly Pope Shenouda, for calling to support the President Mubāraq in the presidential elections of 2005.
Date of source: Tuesday, April 10, 2007
This article is the first in a series on the relation between the Coptic Orthodox Church, represented by the pope, and the Egyptian government, represented by the president. The following lines highlight the firm friendship between Pope Kyrillos VI and former Egyptian President Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāsir...
Date of source: Sunday, April 8, 2007
Within days of leaking news about the main features of the platform of the proposed Muslim Brotherhood party, scores of political powers and thinkers have warned that the party could be acting against the law because it would be based on religious references. Such fears have impacted the...
Date of source: Friday, April 13, 2007
The article analyzes the trend of Islamic groupsto fight their way to power under the cloak of religion.
Date of source: Saturday, April 7, 2007
Although the shaykh of the Azhar and the minister of religious endowments have accepted transplantation operations from deceased donors, debates have been raised about what defines death.
Date of source: Saturday, April 7, 2007 to Friday, April 13, 2007
Wā’il Lotfī interviews Nūriyah al-Subayh, the Kuwaiti minister of education.
Date of source: Saturday, April 7, 2007 to Friday, April 13, 2007
Amīnah al-Naqāsh discusses al-Subayh’s attitude toward parliament members in Kuwait during taking the oath.
Date of source: Saturday, April 7, 2007 to Friday, April 13, 2007
Wafā’ Shu‘ayrah reports on the lawsuits filed by Islamized Christians who want to convert back to Christianity.
Date of source: Sunday, April 8, 2007
Hānī Labīb criticizes what Dr.‘Imārah has said in the meeting with the graduates of the Azhar University about al-fitnah al-tā’ifīyah in Egypt.
Date of source: Friday, March 30, 2007
Samih Fawzī writes about the concept of citizenship and how it should be put into action.