Date of source: Saturday, March 3, 2007 to Friday, March 9, 2007
Dr. George Bibāwī asks Pope Shenouda a set of questions concerning the church’s decision to excommunicate him from the Orthodox Church.
Date of source: Wednesday, February 28, 2007
‘Ādil Girgis Sa‘d criticizes the church’s decision to excommunicat George Ḥabīb Bibāwī from the Orthodox Church.
Date of source: Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Jamāl As‘ad discusses the church’s decision concerning George Bibāwī.
Date of source: Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Father ‘Abd al-Masīḥ Basīṭ Abū al-Khayr explains why George Ḥabīb Bibāwī is being tried.
Date of source: Friday, March 2, 2007
The author comments on the recent events in the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Date of source: Thursday, March 1, 2007
Ibrāhīm Jād and Michael ‘Ādil report about the growing dispute between Bishop Bīshūy and Bishop Kyrillos.
Date of source: Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Following the recent uproar over the broadcast of ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ the Discovery Channel plans to broadcast a documentary featuring a tomb, claimed to belong to Jesus and his alleged wife, Mary Magdalene, amidst strong-worldwide protests from Christian clergy.
Date of source: Friday, March 2, 2007
The author narrates old events about the conflict between Muslims and Christians.
Date of source:
A group of American neo-conservatives and controversial Muslim and ex-Muslim figures from the Arab world hold a conference in Florida aimed at secularizing Islām.
Date of source: Tuesday, March 6, 2007
‘Abd Allāh Kamāl, the author, comments on an article authored by Muntaṣir al-Zayyāt in which he describes late thinker of Islamic groups, Sayyid Qutb, as a martyr.