Displaying 2431 - 2440 of 5065.
The article presents a brief overview of the most important events that have happened in Egyptian churches during 2006.
Bishāy calls for unity and liberty in the Coptic Orthodox Church to avoid division.
Kamāl Zākhir M?s? writes on the trend that has been increasing inside the Coptic Orthodox Church. It is heading toward a clash with enlightened laymen, instead of seeking ways of working together constructively.
‘Ālam al -Mashāhīr, a new Coptic weekly, for which Pope Shenouda will be writing and recommended by Bishop Bīsh?y is said to be a new rival for Watanī.
The article presents a brief review of some literary works on the hajj, to show how literature has been influenced by religious values in society.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s role in Egyptian political life continues to be discussed in Egyptian media after the file of their alleged military activities was referred to the State Security apparatus.
The article refers to the dangerous spreading phenomenon of religious cassette tapes on public transportation. These tapes were issued by Islamic groups that have extreme tendencies.
Mahmūd ‘Āmir denounces the Shī‘ah and the Muslim brotherhood, claiming that they violate the Islamic Sharī‘ah and the fundamentals of Islām.
Mubārak’s constitutional amendments have revealed the separation between the executive power, the legislative and the judicial authorities, which are meant to be the bedrock of the modern Egyptian state, and the real interest groups.
The spokesman of the Coptic Orthodox Church declares that the Coptic problem does not lie in article two of the Constitution, but in the manner in which this article can be applied or interpreted. Justice implies specifying Islamic Sharī‘ah as “a” main source of legislation rather than “the” main...


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