Displaying 2461 - 2470 of 5065.
Bishop Baphnotious nominated himself for the position of secretary general of the Holy See of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The issue sparked conflict between him and Bishop Bīshūy, the present general secretary. Pope Shenouda and members of the Holy See are intending to hold a reconciliation session...
The author of the article accuses a bishop of hurling offenses at him during a lecture he gave at a clerical college institute in response to accusations of over 200 heresies he allegedly committed.
Huṣnī ‘Abd al- Masīḥ, an Egyptian Bahā’ī, filed a lawsuit against Major General Ḥabīb al- ‘Ādlī in his capacity as the minister of interior, demanding that the Civil Affairs Department [CAD], affiliated with the Ministry of Interior, issue national identification cards and birth certificates void...
The Muslim young men accused of setting alight Copts’ shops are interrogated by the general attorney.
Coptic, like Muslim fundamentalism, is not in the interest of Egypt. Usāmah Salāmah from Rose al-Yūsuf discusses different arguments of Coptic figures and responds to them in the following article.
The author comments on the recent events involving Faysal Islamic Bank.
In an unprecedented occasion the Coptic Orthodox Church hosts a symposium where Muslim and Christians are intended to participate in an open objective dialogue to build bridges of intercommunication toward real values of citizenship.
There is no median between a religious state and a civil state. Many observers consider the proposed constitutional amendments to be encouraging political Islamic groups. While Muslim groups deny any contradiction between article two of the Egyptian Constitution and the principles of citizenship,...
Despite the acquittal of Khayrat al-Shāṭir, the second deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide, along with 39 prominent members of the group by a Cairo criminal court ruling, President Muhammad Ḥusnī Mubārak, acting in his capacity as the supreme commander of the armed forces, referred the...
The author condemns the Islamic Shaykhs of al- Nās satellite channel.


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