Displaying 2691 - 2700 of 5065.
The author of the article argues that interfaith dialogue is not the solution for followers of different religions to overcome fanaticism, but rather that co-existence and respecting different beliefs are required.
Diana al-Dabc writes about what she calls the “ghettos of Christian students at Egyptian universities.” She points out the isolation of Coptic students and discussed possible reasons for this. Many students expressed their viewpoints.
German security figures stress the importance of integrating foreigners, and especially Muslims, into German society, showing more positive impression about the German government view of them. Officials also called for qualifying German security in a way that familiarizes them with the...
An Azerbaijani news paper reprinted the offensive Danish cartoons against the Prophet Muhammad attached to an article. The author of the article and the editor-in-chief of the newspaper were consequently jailed.
Wide controversy surrounds the Dutch government’s decision which approves a parliamentary proposal to ban wearing the Niqāb in public places.
Leaders of the Jihād Group have disagreed with each other on whether or not to rely on violence for the group’s future. Some leaders who are influenced by the attitude of the group’s head, ‘Abbūd al- Zumur, insist on violence, while others see it as unnecessary.
This press review discusses the growing influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian political life, and their constant efforts to control educational institutions, including governmental schools. In al-Musawwar magazine, ‘Abd al-Qādir Shāhīb linked the recent support of some Egyptian...
Ikrām Lam‘ī refers to the contradiction of the political agenda of Islamist groups in Egypt, who reject a religious president like George Bush, and hail the return of the secular Democratic Party.
The Islamic Research Academy adviced to confiscate two books by Muslims authors about Jesus Christ, in addition to a script about the life of the Prophet Muhammad.
Islamic intellectual Jamāl al-Bannā states that his late brother Hasan al-Bannā, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood group, was in leadership similar to Communist leader Lenin. At the same time, he calls to remove the second article of the Egyptian constitution, which stipulates Islām...


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