Displaying 2851 - 2860 of 5065.
The author explains why he does not think that the Shī‘ah madhab [Editor: school of thought or religious jurisprudence] deserves an equal place with the Sunnī madhab.
The author contends that the authentic collection of hadīth collated by al- Bukhārī contains many sayings wrongly attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. He pleads with the Muslim community to rid itself of these in favour of progress.
Jordanian poet Ibrāhīm Nasr Allāh faces trial and possibly imprisonment for a collection of poems that were first published 23 years ago, because of accusations that they may instigate commotion and undermine the country’s stability.
Ayman al-Hakīm traces the incident of takfīr a Yemeni poet after he published extremely controversial works.
Hamāda Hussayn writes about the latest song by the American pop idol Madonna which implies contempt for the three divine religions and particularly towards the Catholic pope.
After months of conflicts, the Abū Fānā crisis has been put to an end. The decisions taken by the reconcilliation committee were approved by the governmental institutions concerned and the cornerstone was put in place in the fence around the monastery.
Mustafa Bayyūmī analyses the images of God’s prophets used in the novels of Najīb Mahfūz.
The deputy head of the National Council for Human Rights (N.C.H.R.), Dr. Kamāl Abū al-Majd, said in a press conference that members of the council have unanimously agreed on the importance of amending articles 76 and 77 of the Egyptian constitution, which deal with the nomination of the...
This article outlines the history of the Coptic Studies Institute and the Ecclesiastical College and reviews a thesis submitted by Father Mīnā Jābir.
Dr. al-Bayādī reacts to the calls for reform of the electoral process for the position of head of the Evangelical Community Council.


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