Displaying 3601 - 3610 of 5065.
Explanation of the rule "No ijtihad with a text." The author believes that this rule imprisons the mind and forbids bringing about new legislations.
The policy of boycotting Western products led to a commercial use of Islam. Iran could be considered the first country to professionally pursue what is called the “Islamization” of Western products.
Ijtihad was a great door to freedom in the dawn of Islam. Each ijtihad should be connected to its age and should put the holy text in the service of the age and not the other way round. However, fiqh scholars laid down rules that made valid ijtihad an impossible task.
Thieves, corrupt and unemployed people who look for an easy life in the luxurious European countries ask for political asylum with the claim that they are persecuted in Egypt. The reasons for their alleged persecution are homosexuality, female circumcision and changing religion.
The rise of the problem of Africans and Asians who illegally live in Egypt pushed the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Labor Power and Immigration Affairs to hold a meeting to solve this problem. A survey of illegal residents in Egypt is now made as a...
The number of monks and nuns in Europe decreased from 4500 in 1966 to 927 in 2001. This decrease is due to the radical change in the role of the Church and its impact on the society. Furthermore, sexual liberty and luxury helped in the youth’s turning away from the Church and monasticism.
An Israeli TV program depicted Christian clergymen in a disparaging manner. Italian sources stated to the Israeli paper Ma’ariv that if Jewish men of religion were mocked in the same way, Jewish organizations would have considered that an act of anti-Semitism. Full Text
Ijtihad is no longer bringing about new human opinions that consider the conditions and changes of life but is simply studying the opinions of the predecessors and try to discover rules in their work. Those rules have been turned into holy rules without which no ijtihad can be made. Such...
Overview of a report published in the French magazine Le Figaro on the Christian Arameans living in Kurdish areas, especially in Turkey.
The author cannot understand how debating an article of the constitution should jeopardize people’s faiths and beliefs. However, some groups insist that questioning the second article of the constitution would lead to a ‘blood bath’ in Egypt.


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