Date of source: Saturday, July 23, 2005 to Friday, July 29, 2005
British investigators have discovered that two of the perpetrators of the London terrorist attacks two weeks ago, had gone to Pakistan to receive religious teaching.
Date of source: Saturday, July 23, 2005 to Friday, July 29, 2005
The Muslim Brotherhood’s official policy is to clarify Islam and jihād. However, they clearly care more about condemning US and UK policies, which trigger terrorist acts by groups claiming they are in jihād.
Date of source: Saturday, July 23, 2005 to Friday, July 29, 2005
The grand imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawī has stated that Islam is against terrorism, aggression, tyranny, destruction and the killing of innocents whether they are Muslims or of other religions.
Date of source: Saturday, July 23, 2005 to Friday, July 29, 2005
Some American newspapers are relentlessly waging an attack on Egypt for no reason. The Washington Post is one of the loudest voices criticizing the Egyptian government.
Date of source: Saturday, July 16, 2005 to Friday, July 22, 2005
The author read the Administrative Court’s ruling permitting three presenters from the Alexandria television channel to appear on screen wearing hijāb [veil covering a woman’s hair]. The court’s judgment considered the decision taken by the Minister of Information a violation to the principle of "...
Date of source: Saturday, July 16, 2005 to Friday, July 22, 2005
The production and sales of hijāb clothes will definitely increase with the increase in numbers of veiled women. Having veiled presenters on screen will help the spread of the hijāb because presenters, from the social point of view, are trendsetters.
Date of source: Saturday, July 16, 2005 to Friday, July 22, 2005
After the court’s decision that some presenters could reappear on screen with hijāb [veil covering the woman’s hair], it is important to know the reasons why these presenters have chosen to wear the hijāb. Is it because of fashion? Were they influenced by certain ideas or by personal circumstances...
Date of source: Sunday, July 17, 2005
In January 1996, Abu al-‘Ila Mādī, then a leading member of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, abandoned the Brotherhood. He and some 74 founding members have presented the documents founding al-Wasat party.
Date of source: Saturday, July 16, 2005 to Friday, July 22, 2005
Before the revolution, Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāssir had connections with all the political powers in Egypt including the communists and the Muslim Brotherhood. He gave them the impression that he was committed to their ideologies and movements. He tamed these powers to achieve the goals of the revolution...
Date of source: Saturday, July 9, 2005 to Friday, July 15, 2005
The Church is at a critical point and state, and the negative repercussions of such a state are creating fierce defensive reactions accusing those opening such portfolio traitors, heretics, and perpetrators. The patience and negligence of such internal problems led to an avalanche of events and...