Displaying 51 - 60 of 5064.
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III rejected demands made by some expatriate Copts for international protection of Coptic buildings in Egypt.
Donors and organizations usually support particular organizations that may have religious immunity which allows them to breach the rule of law. When there is no control over such organizations, social work becomes a tool to penetrate Egypt at all levels. Rose al-Yūsuf continues to publish the...
A new development confirms the veracity of the church's position with regards to the incident of Mārīnāb village, Aswan, in which the church and shops of Copts were burnt. Rose al-Yūsuf  got information from sources inside the papal residence that the church has sent a copy of the license that the...
The Catholic Church rejected calls for boycotting the elections under the pretext of resolving the battle for religious trends because of the unsatisfactory division of constituencies.  
The Egyptian Dār al-Iftā' has won an international award from Switzerland as the best and most influential Islamic institution throughout the world in media and communication during 2011. The award was presented by the international Media Tenor Organization in Switzerland in a big party, in the...
I have recently noticed newspapers belonging to religious parties appear on the stands, which is fine as long they observe national principles, but I am afraid there might appear Christian newspapers to confront the Islamist ones, writes Usāmah Salāmah, Editor-in-Chief of Rose al-Yūsuf magazine.
  The Coptic Church rejected the demands raised by some U.S. think tanks for an alternative homeland for Copts. A large number of bishops and priests stressed the necessity of confronting such demands which fuel sectarian tension in Egypt and the Middle East.
Dr. Andrea Zakī, vice-president of the Coptic Evangelical Church, and General Director of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS),  submitted proposals about the draft unified law for building houses of worship to be passed within days to the Supreme Council of the Armed...
During a visit paid by a delegation from Al-Azhar to extend condolences to Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III for the Maspero incidents, leaders of Al-Azhar and the Church agreed to face religious extremism and refused foreign interference.
The Central Cairo Prosecution resumed investigating the incidents of the Coptic demonstration on Sunday (Oct. 9) in front of the state TV building in Maspero area, which left 26 killed and 229 others wounded. (al-Ahrām, Oct. 13, p. 5).


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