Date of source: Sunday, May 16, 2010
The appointment of an Egyptian Coptic Catholic priest to the diplomatic corps of the Vatican illuminates concerns about the Catholic Church hierarchy’s values and traditions as well as its role in Middle East affairs.
Date of source: Friday, May 14, 2010
This article focuses on statements by the Pope placing an unnamed priest in al-Kushih as the best in all Upper Egypt, instead of the rumors which said that the priest was under investigation because of complaints against him.
Date of source: Friday, May 14, 2010
This article addresses the development of Coptic monastic life as well as its preservation in Egyptian society.
Date of source:
Minister of Education Zakī Badr's statements that his Ministry would embark on a comprehensive plan to change and develop the religious educational curricula have opened Pandora's box, with rumors spreading that the new plans are just the outcome of foreign pressure.
Date of source: Sunday, May 16, 2010
The author speaks about religious slogans used to overcome sectarian problems, asserting that such slogans are against the concept of citizenship and cannot be the solution for society’s problems.
Date of source: Saturday, May 15, 2010 to Friday, May 21, 2010
The Muslim Brotherhood undertook measures to strengthen its presence on the international scale during the 1980s and early 1990s. This article mentions an alliance with the U.S. at the time which resulted in efforts to establish the organization’s influence in the West.
Date of source: Friday, May 14, 2010
An Intellectual living in Australia talks about Muslim life abroad, the problems facing them and their relationship with western societies.
Date of source: Saturday, May 15, 2010 to Friday, May 21, 2010
This article deals with the issue of niqāb in both Western culture and in Egypt, as well as the legal repercussions.
Date of source: Friday, July 2, 2010
برنارد لويس، استاذ دراسات الشرق الاوسط والمتخصص في تاريخ الاسلام والتفاعل بين الاسلام والغرب، المشهور براديكاليته، كان حريصا على الحيادية في كتابه الايمان والقوة بين الاديان الثلاثة، ورفض الربط بين الاسلام والعمليات الانتحارية الارهابية بتأكيده تحريم الاسلام للانتحار.
واضاف برنارد لويس ان من يقوم...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Gamāl As‘ad warns against the serious and spreading phenomenon of apparent religiousness. He reflects on those who manipulate religion and violate it, as a mask to control the people's religious sentiments and hence achieve certain personal interests. Finally, he stresses that this phenomenon...