Displaying 11 - 20 of 23.
The Salafī Front said if it is invited to attend the ceremony, it will respond positively and participate in the event “in appreciation of this invitation”.
Bishop Bīshūy held a closed meeting with leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood and its political arm the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) inside St. Dimyana Monastery in the town of Bilqās, al-Qalyubia governorate to discuss the status of Copts in the draft constitution, planned to be finalized...
“The census of Copts has stopped since 1986, which was then 5.7 million. Since then, no accurate census has been conducted because the United Nations (UN) instructed that the question about religion in censuses should be optional in a bid to eliminate discrimination on the basis of religion,”...
A lawyer belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood has established a lawsuit before the National Council in which he demanded the repeal of the appointment of Tahānī al-Jibālī as Chancellor (Vice-President) of the Supreme Constitutional Court by the former President Husnī Mubārak.   
  In Rose al-Yūsuf, ‘Alā’ al-Hīnī writes about a case in al-Minya governorate where security services have succeeded in ending a sectarian conflict by holding a reconciliatory meeting between Muslims and Christians in the village of Dār al-Barshā. This meeting came after an outbreak of violence...
Mīrā Mamdūd reports in Rose al-Yūsuf that several Coptic organizations, movements, and activists have founded a Coptic advisory council to unite groups that are interested in Coptic matters.  
 Bishop Pachomius, commenting on calls to stage protests against the Muslim Brotherhood on August 24, said the church does not interfere in politics, adding the church remains a spiritual institution that keeps its distance from political affairs. Father Rafīq Greish, the media spokesman for the...
Today’s overview deals with calls by the Azhar on Muslim countries meeting at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in the Saudi city of Jeddah to withdraw the Arab initiative to settle the disputes between Israel and the Palestinians.
A charity foundation’s announcement about a round of debates during the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadān in which salafī figures would give lectures critiquing Christianity sparked wide-scale angry comments on the social networking web sites that some considered it a call for “civil strife in...
The courts in Egypt are witnessing weird cases every day and some of these cases become part of the collective memory. One of these cases is the famous case in which the famous Coptic leader of the Wafd Party, Makram ʿUbayd Pasha, or Makram Ebeid, pleaded the case of a Muslim Egyptian citizen, who...


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