Displaying 81 - 90 of 175.
Over the past few months, many Egyptian intellectuals and Christian clergy have called for the removal of any reference to religious affiliation from identity cards. Amongst these was Father Marqus ‘Azīz Khalīl, who stated in al-Maydān of August 16, 2006 that the inclusion of religious...
The author reviews the life of St Polā, one of the early pillars of monasticism in Egypt.
This press review deals with a controversial announcement made by Max Michel, a Christian who split from the Coptic Orthodox Church and set up a church in the Muqattam area and named himself Archbishop Maximus I, amidst an outcry from the Egyptian mother church and severe criticism.
President Husnī Mubārak recently inaugurated the Coptic Museum which reopened its doors after the completion of renovation works. The museum contains more than 14 thousand rare pieces.
In a symposium held a few days ago at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, the Reverend Dr. Stephen Robert Sizer lectured on the “danger of the growing influence of Christian Zionism over the world.”
Under the title, “Arab newspapers and the translation of the foreign press,” the Akhbār al-Yawm Academy organized the third international conference of the Journalism Department in the period June 25-26.
The administrative judiciary’s refusal to file the lawsuit establishing the “Al-Safawīyya Al-Naqshabandīyya,” a Shī‘i organization, provoked controversy. This article links Shī‘i activities in Egypt to Iranian political influences. Religion and politics are never far apart.
The author discusses citizenship rights in Egypt exposing the opinions of various Egyptian prominent figures during a seminar held by the High Council for Culture.
This press review investigates the three consecutive bombings in the Sinai resort of Dahab from an analytical perspective amidst growing suspicions of the loyalty of the Bedouins of Sinai to their Egyptian homeland. It also includes suggestions about the involvement of al-Qā‘ida network.
Discussion of the film of the life of St. Peter, starring Egyptian actor ‘Umar al- Sharīf, and more comments on ‘The Da Vinci Code’.


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