Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
France has not backed down from the decision to prevent veiled French athletes from participating in the Summer Olympics, which will begin in Paris on Friday.
In their statements to RT, Egyptian analysts expressed their evaluation for the departure of U.S troops from Afghanistan and its significance amid the rapid territorial gains made by the Taliban movement [Ṭālibān] in the country.
Tunisian political party al-Nahda ask for revocation of execution sentences administered to members of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt  Tunisian Islamic party al-Nahda have called for the revocation of the death sentences of 14 members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, including the general leader...
Circle of violence in Egypt widens and succeeds in striking targets  Repeated terrorist attacks have taken place in Egypt, targeting the police station and members of the army, in addition to other vital establishments such as the commercial city centre, killing many Egyptians.  (Author not...
The trials of Mursī and of other 10 accused have been postponed for national security reasons  The Cairo Criminal Court decided to postpone the trials of former Egyptian President Mursī and of other 10 members and leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to next Thursday. This decision came with the...
 A demonstrator was killed yesterday during a protest on the anniversary of Mursī’s deposition, taking place in Maʿadi. Police officials and the Ministry of Health confirmed the death of the protester, who was shot dead in an attempt of the police to disperse the crowd.   (4 July, RT Arabic, No...
Sectarian clashes between Muslims and Copts in the Village of al-Jalāʾ in al-Minyā resulted in at least 9 people being injured. Clashes broke out right after unknown assailants attacked a car carrying a group of Coptic girls, throwing rocks and bricks at the car. In an official statement, Egyptian...
According to the Egyptian government investigation, “the Muslim Brotherhood used the relationship between some of its members with Ultras Zamalek FC to provoke and finance violence”. The government repor added that the suspects admitted their involvement in the acts of violence and their resistance...
Muslim Brotherhood leaders have moved quickly from prisons to the Egyptian presidency and are now heading back to those same prisons. Egypt's judiciary dissolved the political wing of the MB, declaring it a terrorist group.
Over the past two days, Egypt's primary courts throughout the country opened their doors for thousands of candidates applying for the upcoming parliamentary elections to the House of Representatives. Egypt's Supreme Elections Committee SEC confirmed that the candidates' selection will be fair and...


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