Displaying 1 - 10 of 38.
The Copts of Egypt stand by the Muslim community in their rejection of Israeli aggression and display of solidarity with the people of Gaza and  Palestine in general.
Thousand days have passed since the disappearance of Muṣṭafā al-Najjār Egyptian politician, founder of the Justice Party, and a symbol of the January revolution 2011. The Egyptian authorities still did not investigate his case, denying his imprisonment and rejecting the disclosure of his...
Egyptian President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī’s responses during a phone call with ʿAmrū Adīb Saturday night on MBC Egypt [MBC Miṣr] have led to predictions about a possible resolution to the issue of political prisoners soon.
Egyptian Musician Hānī Mihannā’s statements about prison conditions in Egypt for senior businessmen, politicians, and ministers at the beginning of President al-Sīsī’s reign in 2014 has sparked controversy. 
There is an ancient inclination going back to the humanity’s origin to explain natural disasters as the wrath of God or “a divine being.”  This inclination goes back to humanity’s instinctual need to be connected to the force of nature that has control over disasters and surpasses humanity’s...
Despite the fact that Egyptian President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī and French President Emmanuel Macron agree on a lot of issues regarding the Middle East and Mediterranean Basin, human rights in Egypt was a reason for the public dispute between the two sides. 
Those in the Egyptian opposition seem optimistic about Joe Biden’s electoral victory over Donald Trump, who has been accused of turning a blind eye to “dictators” in the region.  This poses questions about how serious Biden is about adopting a new policy that includes putting a limit on the regime...
In just a few days it will be the one-year anniversary of former Egyptian President Muḥammad Mursī’s death, which happened under murky circumstances during his trial and after he had been imprisoned for six years by the ruling military regime.
The removal of the “Four Rams” from the Karnak Temple in Luxor, Upper Egypt, to Taḥrīr Square in central Cairo has continued to stir controversy in Egypt with some opposed to the step while others welcoming it.
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood announced that it is forming a committee of specialists and professionals, both at home and abroad, to combat the novel coronavirus crisis. Leading Muslim Brotherhood figures would be among the committee members, as well as figures from professional bodies including...


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