Displaying 11 - 13 of 13.
The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights has prepared a new draft personal status law, and will hold a number of sessions for discussion. The Center says that it took two full years to prepare the new draft law.
    An intense dispute erupted between the Awqaf Directorate of Al-Gharbiyya and the Salafist Daʿwah over the control of Al- Tawḥīd  Wa al-Nūr Mosque at Ṣanadīd village in Tanta city. 
Sources informed Mobtada News, that the Muslim Brothers are planning an international conspiracy to buy poisoned food from all over the world and send it to Egypt”. “Mobtada also knew, that the Egyptian Authorities has already banned over 230 products this year for similar reasons”  (19 March 2013...


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