Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
An official from the Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ said there is nothing in Islam, or even the law, that is called ‘Bayt al-Ṫāʿa’, and that this is rather a popular term used by people.
Shaykh ͑Alī Maḥmūd Abū al-Ḥassan, the assistant secretary-general of the Islamic Research Academy and chairman of the Egyptian Family House initiative in the southern Egypt governorate of Asyūṭ, died on Saturday morning at the age of 85.
The Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Shaykh Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, has issued a response to the situation of a boy who was originally adopted and raised by Coptic parents, before being taken into the custody of the state, and declared to be Muslim. The statement, released through the al-Azhar Fatwā Global...
In the governorate of South Sinai, Muslims, and Christians have worked together to set up Ramaḍān decorations and hang traditional lanterns in the streets of the city of al-Ṭūr, thus setting an example of the close bonds of fraternity and amity between the adherents of the two religions there....
Sheikh Muḥammad Abū al-Qatʿa, who appeared in a video playing football inside the mosque, revealed that the boys who appeared with him had been training outside whilst it was raining, and that what he did was not a violation of Sharīʿa.


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