Displaying 1161 - 1170 of 1428.
The text of a letter from intellectual Tareq Heggi to Saudi Prince Khaled Al-Faysel. Heggi criticizes Wahhabism and argues that he cannot be a member of the Arab Thought Institute because his thoughts are different from the thoughts of most of its members.
Voices accusing Wahhabism -the legitimate basis of the Saudi political regime - of being the main source of terrorism increased within US circles. In an attempt to alleviate the pressures of the American media, the Saudi Minister of the Interior accused the Muslim Brotherhood of being the source of...
The article covers “letters to the editor” commenting on Tareq Heggi’s article "Muslims brought forth a dark sect which is Wahhabism" and Safinaz Kazim’s article "Watch it...Get out of the way, Tareq Heggi is thinking."
Dr. Nawal Al-Saadawi leads a campaign against male circumcision. The sixth international conference of the Association of the Solidarity of Arab Women, she presides over, showed a scientific film about the circumcision operations on male babies and warned against the dangerous consequences of such...
The article gives an overview of the history of Wahhabism, how it entered Egypt and its effect on the Egyptian society.
Dr. Abdel-Azeem Al-Mata’ani has been behind most of the cases of accusing writers of kufr [unbelief]. The latest writer he accused of disbelief is Ahmed Al-Shahawi because of his book "Commandments on Loving Women." The author believes that because Al-Mata’ani was not paid the attention he always...
The article is a “Letter to the Editor” from a previous member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He shows that all their principles are vain and that he was deceived when he joined them.
The author believes that American missionary activities in the Arab-Islamic world are more dangerous than Huntington’s theory concerning the clashes between civilizations. He believes that to avoid problems between the Islamic world and Christianity because of such activities, it is better to adopt...
The article is the text of a message said to have been sent by Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim to Mustafa Bakri and his brother in the prison. Bakri says that Ibrahim sent him a message to express satisfaction at his imprisonment. He adds that Ibrahim did not forget the comments of Bakri on his case.
The surprising announcement by lawyer Mamdouh Nakhla of his intention to establish a political party, named the Coptic Nation opened the debate on religious parties in Egypt.


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