Displaying 1191 - 1200 of 1428.
A couple of days ago, BBC aired a children’s program produced by Comedy Central, an American channel, which coincided with the celebration of Eastern Easter. The film depicted Jesus Christ being killed by Iraqis who also tortured Santa Claus. Perhaps the showing of this program reduces the...
In an interview on Egyptian television last Sunday on the occasion of the Holy Easter, Pope Shenouda expressed his opinions on the issues of anti-Semitism, the responsibility of Jews for the killing of Christ and the concept of the “chosen people” in reference to Jews. The opinions of Pope Shenouda...
Muhammad Al-Baz has many stories about ladies who wear the niqab [veil covering the whole of a woman’s face or all except the eyes] and da’iyas [men who calls for Islam.] I agree with you, dear Al-Baz, that many people abuse religion, and I appreciate the efforts you exert in order to expose those...
The prominent television preacher has been hiding for more than three months. He reappeared in Al-Sayd Sports Club to start practicing his hobbies once again. He feels that people have not believed what happened [that he had lured a monaqaba women into cohabitating with him]. The crime committed...
There is a confusion about the personality of Mary Magdalene. Was she a prostitute that repented or was she was one of Jesus Christ’s closest disciples? Was she the wife of Jesus Christ? or was she one of the most knowledgeable women of her time? All these questions arise when discussing one of the...
In his great book “Yasou’ Ibn El Insan” [Jesus the son of man] Jobran Khalil Jobranجبران خليل جبران wrote two verses spoken by Mary Magdalene, in which she describes her condition with Jesus Christ as she knew Him...
The Muslim Brotherhood is restricting the activities of many of its best young members. A decision was issued to expel Mokhtar Nuh and freeze the membership of Sayyed Abdel Sattar Fatah, the assistant secretary-general of the Syndicate of Scientists. It is not a coincidence these people belong to a...
A lot of youth in Upper Egypt joined the Islamic group of Al-Tabligh wa Al-Da’wa. These youths claim that they are preaching the ways of God, but they have no credentials that qualify them to preach. The members of the group in fact do not care about politics and the regime. They belittle the...
The Pope confirmed that rumors about Christian girls being raped in the Muslims-owned shops are not true. He said, ‘If something happened to anyone, they had better come to me now and I will resolve it.’ We waited for two weeks, but no one approached us,’ the Pope said a lecture last Wednesday.”...
I spent three days with members of this group after I was invited by them to “go out [exert efforts] for the sake of God.” The inviting sheikh mentioned three conditions that should be metby those who wanted to join the group. The first of these conditions is not speaking about politics and the...


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