Displaying 121 - 130 of 1428.
Bishop Mansūr of the Coptic Orthodox Church believes both that circumcision is obsolete and that women should access the altar.
Ahmad ‘Iz paid a visit to Pope Shenouda in the papal residence at the Cathedral. Many observers discussed the politics of the visit, reflecting on the coming Parliamentary elections. Meanwhile, the Coptic Orthodox Church denied that the visit had any political implications.
A group of Muslims attacked a church in an Upper Egyptian village with stones after knowing about the church’s intention to build a minaret.
‘Antar ‘Abd al-Latīf claims that the Church’s refusal to grant permission for remarriage fosters adultery and discusses various perspectives on the issue.
Sa‘īd ‘Abd al-Masīh explains the corruption which forced him to leave the defense team for the man accused of raping a Muslim girl in Farshūt.
The recent death of ‘Ātif Kyrillos presents an opportunity to discuss his uphill battle to obtain a remarriage permit after his wife mistreated him.
Plans to destroy a monastery and nearby homes in Minsha’āt Nāsir after Father Sam‘ān blocked security forces. His actions have saved the houses of Coptic residents, though their Muslim neighbors demand equal footing.
/*-->*/ This article deals with the Anglican Church and their trust in the Egyptian government, and Mubārak
An article about Pope Shenouda’s armoured car, and information about his previous vehicles.
Expatriate Copts express “conditional” support for Al- Barād‘ī' so long as he promises to achieve complete equality between Muslims and Copts.  


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