Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 1428.
Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid will be the chairman of the Arab Institute for Renewing Thought, an Arab think tank based in Beirut. He has always wished to participate in independent cultural work. “The modernization of thought is the motto but what is more important than the motto is the means. The aim of...
The first festival for Christian feature films took place last week in Alexandria. The festival is the first of its kind in Egypt and the world, and it highlights the history of the Coptic Church, monastic life and the heritage of the Church.
Christ takes care of two children buried alive with their parents for 28 days. This story became wide-spread in churches and among Coptic families. Young people passed the story stating that church clerics are asserting it. The rumor mentions that the two children are of a Muslim family without...
I felt distressed when I read the news about the Festival of Christian Films. I find it strange that an artistic event carries a religious title and limits its scope to a certain religion. It is likely that there will be Muslim films in which no single Christian takes part in them. Films will be...
If my colleague Hamdi Rizq had investigated the truth, he would have not written what he had written about what has been called the First Festival for Orthodox Christian Movies. The article assumes that sectarian strife took place during the film festival. But this festival had nothing of the sort...
An article was published last issue titled “Sectarian Strife in Alexandria,” by Hamdi Rizq, in which the author objects to the idea of holding a festival for Christian films. The film festival was characterized by a sense of national unity between the two poles of the one nation in every phase of...
Archpriest Habeel Tawfiq is accused of illegally taking possession of LE50,000. The money was given to Habeel by his son Magid, [in his capacity as] chairman of the Association of Martyr Mari Mina and Pope Kyrillos, as a donation to the Church of the Virgin Mary and Habeel the Pious. It was later...
To whom do I complain of my hurt and pain when I read what was published in the newspapers about the arrest of fifty-two members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the confiscation of their personal funds, and the closing down of their enterprises? It has been reported that those arrested are among the...
The daughter of Adel Imam [a famous Egyptian actor] married the son of a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Imam has tried to convince us over the years that he is fighting against terrorism, and then suddenly he enters hand in hand with the group from which all other extremist and terrorist groups...
The Muslim Brotherhood is keen on intermarrying with elite members of society, whether they are politicians or businessmen, in order to guarantee the highest degree of support for their group. This is the reason for the Brotherhood’s blessing of the marriage between the son of Nabil Moqbel, an...


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