Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 1428.
The US wants to make use of all means of pressure on the Arab region and the Islamic world as a step to prepare to control and re-divide the area. This is what is going on now. Coptic expatriates are one of these means of pressure. Now, the American administration is using the Coptic...
Khaled El Guindi dealt with story of the sheikh who allegedly seduced monaqabate [Muslim women wearing a niqab] in two completely contradicting approaches. He told me that he was furious over what the sheikh did. But he changed his words when he was faced with an audience and readers: He...
There are some Christian Arabic-language satellite channels that target Arabs and Muslims. These channels play a serious role in what is falsely labeled “missionary” work. What actually happens falls into the realm of a clash between religions and igniting the fire [between Christianity and...
Sat-7, a satellite channel targeting Christian viewers made a clarification saying that it does not air the program “Questions in Faith,” which outlines the difference in faith between Christianity and Islam. The program is actually aired on Hayat TV. The following day Pope Shenouda appeared on...
The monaqaba dropped the complaint she filed against the prominent TV preacher. This came after the preacher called her last Saturday and promised to do whatever she asked, including marrying her. This marriage signifies that the sheikh confessed that all that she said in the complaint was true...
I had decided not to deal with the incidents that followed the disappearance of Wafā’ Costantine, the matter that aroused sectarian strife in Egypt. Yet I found that despite many analyses and discussions on the topic, people are still convinced that there is no sectarian strife and extremism...
Jesus Christ advised his followers not to love riches because he knew what money could do to the human soul. For Christ, love of money is the source of all evil. Yet, many men of the Church have disregarded this advice and embraced to a love of riches.
A recent book by a U.S. professor says that 42% of the Americans view Muslims as people who follow a religion which tolerates and supports terrorists, 47% hold that Muslims are antagonizing the West and 62% opine that Muslims are practicing discrimination and persecution against women.
The Foreign Press Association is in an illegal status, as it did not register itself under the Egyptian NGO law 84 of 2002. The organization organizes conferences and activities that are suspicious. It suspended deputy secretary-general Ismail De Coursac illegally. The association turned into a...
Recently, Rifa’at Al-Sa’id published a book titled “Al-Erhab Al- Mut’aslim…Lemaza?… Mata?…Ela eyn?” [Islamized Terrorism: Why? When? To Where?] in which he attacks the group fiercely. Al-Sa’id also mentions some of the principles that have ruled the Brotherhood, and that allow murdering a...


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