Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 1428.
The Minister of Justice issued the confidential decree to give the sheikhs of the Azhar the right to “judicial seizure.” That means they will be able to attack any publishing house and search it for banned books at any moment. Whoever has “judicial seizure” authority has the right to break into a...
All Muslims believe that martyrdom is the greatest deed a person can do to go in Paradise. Allah tells us in the Qur’an that martyrs are not actually dead people, for they are alive in Heaven and in Paradise. That is why all true Muslims wish for martyrdom. The Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat...
Essam Al-Erian is not a prominent leader of the Brotherhood. He distributed his loyalty between the group’s old guards and its reformists led by the disciples of Omar Al-Telmesany [former supreme guide of the Brotherhood]. The two parties like Al-Erian but they do not trust him because they both...
Dr. Raymond William Baker, a professor of political science at Trinity College [USA] and the American University in Cairo (AUC), celebrated his recent book “Islam Without Fear”: Egypt and the New Islamists.” Baker studied the phenomenon of the neo-Islamists in Egypt, which he chose for being the...
Al-Wasat Al-Islami [The Islamic Middle] has for the third time submitted its proposal. There has been speculation that the party might be granted a license this time, despite being an Islamic party, which still stimulates worry. Abu Al-Ela Madhi, the deputy of the founder of the Wasat Party said...
This operation was the largest against the Muslim Brotherhood since the Sayyed Qutb case in 1965. Security forces arrested 52 leading figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in addition to their search for six fugitives. Security forces confiscated 4.5 million pounds that were designated to fund the...
Safwat Hegazi is the focal point of fierce criticism because he does not only introduce himself as a preacher or an orator but he also acts as a mufti entitled to give religious opinions about a myriad of issues. For Hegazi, the Azhar is not the only entity that issues fatwas for the people. Hegazi...
Do our tourism officials know that the remains of Prophet John the Baptist are inside the Anbā Maqqār monastery in the wilderness of Shihīt? If they know about it and do not use this attraction of vital importance to Christians and Muslims alike, then this is a disaster, and if they do not know,...
More than half a century, I published a book calling for a new concept of honour and ethics which depend on the essence of both man’s and woman’s behaviour.
The concept saying that the US and Israeli interests are inextricably linked, perhaps explains the US post September 11 scheme that focuses on erasing any regimes suspected of posing a threat to Israel, and this included Iraq, Syria and south Lebanon. Israel has thus become the focal point of all...


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