Displaying 1261 - 1270 of 1428.
The truth about the deaths of the two children in an Evangelical hospital is still uncertain.
Shawqī Murqus, went to the civil status department to ask for a national identity card but the department refused to issue it for him under the pretext that he had converted to Islam in 1972. He provided evidence that he had reconverted to Christianity with a ruling of the Clerical Council of the...
A Copt faked a death certificate for his first wife in order to marry the second. It was not until he tried faking his new wife’s bank account, that his secret was unveiled.
Coptic lawyers have entered as a party in the political game in the Egyptian Bar Association elections. Despite the failure of all Coptic candidates in the recent elections, the role played by Coptic lawyers was undeniable, forming another trump card in the face of the Muslim Brotherhood.
A Christian citizen brought suit against the grand Shaykh of the Azhar on the pretext that he lured his daughter to convert to Islam and to leave her family’s house and stay with a Muslim.
If only the little girl had not been a Christian and the kamikaze cab driver had not been a Muslim, it could have been possible that one out of 29,000 road accidents taking place annually in Egypt would not turn into a focal point of statements by expatriate Copts alleging persecution of...
The constitution, which provides that there is no discrimination among citizens on basis of religion, sex or color, holds that Islamic sharī‘a is the only source of legislation; while the fiqh [Muslim jurisprudence] rule goes that no non-Muslim would be allowed to rule Muslims.
The Coptic Orthodox Church defrocked Father Yu’annis Zakī Sidrāk after a number of Copts lodged complaints that he had collected money from them for personal business.
I have read a lot of what Dr. Zaghloul al-Najjār wrote about scientific miracles contained in the Qur’ān and his recurrent citing of theories by foreign scientists, who, I believe, did not say what they have said just to prove the miraculous verses of the Qur’ān.
Khālid al-Za‘farānī, a former member of the Brotherhood and secretary general of the frozen Labor Party, announced the establishment of a new party under the name Hizb al-Islāh wa al-‘Adāla wa al-Tanmīya [Reform, Justice and Development, and said would go through the paper work for his party soon...


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