Displaying 1291 - 1300 of 1428.
Shaykh Yousuf al-Badrī used to be a permanent figure in many news items, clutching to the sword of takfir [the act of accusing someone of unbelief] against intellectuals and bringing them to court. The controversial shaykh, however, had kept a low profile for some time, but recently rose from the...
Among the most beautiful names of God, Egyptians pray to Al-Rahman [The Beneficent], Al-Rahīm [The Merciful], Al-Halīm [The Forbearing One]. Yet, they never forget Al-Muntaqim [The Avenger] and Al-Qawīy [The Most Strong].
Sawt al-Umma published in a previous issue the contents of Muntasir al-Zayyāt’s recent book Al-Jamācāt al-Islāmīya…Ru’ya min al-Dākhil [Al-Jamācāt al-Islāmīya: A Look from within]. In this article, al-Zayyāt defends some points discussed by Muhammad al-Bāz.
‘Amr ‘Abd al-Rahman was granted the PhD in interpreting the Holy Qur’ān. cAbd al-Rahman was doing his best to escape imprisonment [cAbd al-Rahman was a member of al-Jamācāt al-Islāmīya ] . From 1986 to 1988, shaykh cAbd al-Rahman used to depend on a look-alike to escape security surveillance.
Mahdī Muhammad cĀkif, Supreme General of the Muslim Brotherhood, received a warning from a young lawyer who used to be a member of the Brotherhood and whose membership was frozen when he raised some questions concerning democracy within the group.
Two weeks of peace in the Bar Association ended and it turned again to disturbance when the juridical committee observing elections of the association fixed those elections for March 12 to select the head and the Board of the association.
Sectarian strife would not exist if there were civil laws protecting religious liberties, if the government and government officials were trained to deal with such occurrences effectively and openly, and if the media played its role.
The story is about the 15-year old Muslim Yasmīn, in al-Sawām‘a, village who disappeared suddenly on December 30.
Referring to Fukuyama’s article Their Target: The Modern World, in which he concluded that Muslims are against religious tolerance and secularism, I would like to forewarn of the consequences of confusing the ‘modernization of Islam’ with the ‘Western secular modernity’, which the West imposes on...
Each time a sectarian incident blows up between Muslims and Copts in Egypt, the churches construction issue is brought up. It is now deep-rooted in minds that the government is fighting the Copts and the building of churches.


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