Displaying 1351 - 1360 of 1428.
The author expressed the opinion that the cancellation of the pope’s weekly meeting was accompanied by fear of a return to the denominational atmosphere of the September 1981 events. The fact that the Coptic youth didn’t protest about Al-Nabaa to the People’s Assembly or the Supreme Press Council...
There is a relationship of a special kind between the nation and the Copts. That relationship was represented in individual Copts who were rich or highly educated who had special relationships with the governor. The author is of the opinion that if a group of Muslim and Christian wise men is formed...
Three million Christians and Muslims gathered on the western [Nile] bank in Assiut to celebrate the Virgin mulid. Some of the visitors were asked if they were affected by what was published on the expelled monk. They answered that nothing can affect their love for the monastery.
Adel Hammouda expressed the opinion that while the church announced that it expelled young priest Daniel who attracted Coptic youth with his modern way of interpreting the Bible and declared he did not follow the church’s education, it did not go public with expelling the monk of Al-Moharraq...
The State Security Attorney began interrogating Mamdouh Mahran, editor-in-chief of Al-Nabaa, who published pornographic photographs of Adel Sadallah Ghobrial, a former monk. They are also investigating a complaint filed by a lady who was blackmailed by him.
The Higher Council or Culture published a translated book titled "Women and sexism in Islam," by Laila Ahmed. Sheikh Abdel-Azim Al-Matani wants the book banned along with another book about the early years in the life of Mohammed. Farouq Hosni, Minister of Culture, defended publication of these...
Many articles were written in the European and American press about the sentence imposed on Saad Eddin Ibrahim by the State Security Court. He was found guilty of some of the charges made against him and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. State Security courts are based on article 171 of...
TV serial "Dancing on escalators," written by a Christian writer and directed by a Muslim director, continued what "Awan Al-Ward" began, presenting Egyptians who are united by their land and not separated by their religion. If aired before Awan Al-Ward, people would probably have wondered how a...
Khalil Abdel-Karim, the author of "The formation period in the life of Mohammed," reached the conclusion that the first wife of Mohammed was Christian. He also discussed Mohammed’s many marriages. The author believes that there is nothing wrong in discussing such things and that the Azhar Scholars...
Khalil Abdel-Karim, the author of "The formation period in the life of Mohammed," was a member of the defense team of Dr. Nasr Abu-Zeid. He is a leader in the leftist Tagammu’ Party. He has an intense interest in books raising debates on civilizational heritage. In these books views are presented...


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