Displaying 271 - 280 of 1428.
Sawt al-Ummah interviews Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd.
Egypt welcomed news of President Obama’s expected visit to Egypt in June. The Azhar and the muftī of Egypt hailed Obama’s choice of Egypt and welcomed the visit and the expected discourse as a promising sign of improving relations between the U.S administration and Muslim countries.
Coptic organizations abroad are attempting to submit a statement concerning the Coptic file to the U.S Congress during President Mubārak’s visit to Washington.
‘Antar ‘Abd al-Latīf writes about the court’s decision concerning giving Christians permission to remarry.
This article sheds light on Zākhir’s book, ’al- ‘Almānyyūn wa al-Kanīsah.. Sirā‘t wa Tahālufāt’ [The Church and the Laymen … Disputes and Alliances] in which Zākhir highlights some of the problems inside the church and calls for a revolution against the pope.
Sawt al-Ummah writes about the wedding of a Muslim man and a Christian woman.
The author sheds light on the reappearance of the Qur’ānists who do not follow the prophet’s sunnah. The article also highlights the issues tackled in a book written by one of the leaders of the Qur’ānist group who raises doubts about fixed Islamic beliefs and the credibility of the hadīths al-...
The recent violent incidents which took place against the Bahā’īs in Sohag have forced them to change their strategy in the media to avoid provoking Muslim and Christian anger.
The author sheds light on how the Sūfī community in Egypt is mainly led by money and authority.
Muslim and Christian Egyptians have worked together to produce a film that tackles a very crucial period in the life of Jesus Christ. The film has been officially blessed and approved by Pope Shenouda who welcomed the idea of the film.


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