Displaying 781 - 790 of 1428.
The Catholic Church criticizes the film of ‘The Da Vinci Code’ which will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2006.
Sawt al-Umma exclusively publishes a copy of a Bahā’ī marriage certificate, issued in 1952 between Christian Fathī Tādrus ‘Abd al-Masīh, 26, and Muslim Qudsīya Husayn Rouhī, 21, after they both converted to Bahā’ism.
Khālid al-Jundī refutes the accusations by Bishop Marqus of Shubra al-Khayma that he incites hatred against Copts.
The Bishop of Shubrā al-Khayma protests against the discrimination against the Christians in Egypt and blames the media for it.
Rumors of the building of a church have ignited sectarian violence in the Koum Umbou village of al- Sab‘īn, writes Ulfat ‘Abd al-Dhāhir.
Father Marqus ‘Azīz comments on the sectarian-based crime in Alexandria and blames it on the authorities, media and Islamic writers.
The press review deals with the incidents of Alexandria, from an analytical point of view, in an attempt to probe the reasons for the assault on three churches by an allegedly schizophrenic young man called Mahmoud Salāh, who killed one person and injured scores others while shouting Fidāk Yā...
The review tackles the incidents of Alexandria, where a man, alleged by the Ministry of the Interior to be a lunatic, stormed three churches one after the other, and stabbed worshippers while chanting Muslim slogans in praise of the Prophet Muhammad.
A reported assault on the imām of the Umm al-Qura Mosque in al-‘Arīsh, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abd al- Hamīd, by Major Muhammad Ridā of the State Security Intelligence (SSI), has provoked outrage among Sinai mosque imāms.
Forty-one -year-old Umm Usāma recounts how state security forced raided her house on April 12, and arrested her husband, Salāh ‘Abd al-Qawī, and her three sons, Usāma, Ahmad and ‘Abd al-Rahmān, forcing them to “confess to crimes that they did not commit.”


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