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Last year anthropologist Erica Canova explored the impact of honor and shame in Egyptian culture, you can find her full article here. Of course, there are large differences between a large city as Cairo and the countryside and between people of different levels of education and regions. The sad...
Cornelis Hulsman: The Dutch daily newspaper Trouw is publishing a series of articles under the title “Europe’s Fraying Edges.” The articles discuss themes related to the countries surrounding Europe, of course including the countries of Northern Africa. I agree with the author that there is...
[Background: Trouw, an important and influential daily newspaper in the Netherlands, published on August 4, an opinion article of the chairmen of the youth organizations of three political parties; the CU (Christian Union), SGP (Reformed Political Party) and CDA (Christian Democratic Party), which...
The attack on the church in Alexandria this weekend marked a new deep trench in the deteriorating relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. Shortly before this act of terror, Trouw gauged the atmosphere among Egyptian Christians and Muslims. See footnote 1 in the full text. This text is...
This is a translation of an article about the work of the Center for Arab-West Understanding from the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw. Editor AWR: This article is very sharp. Senior editor Eildert Mulder has used formulations that Hulsman would never have used, but this is related to Mulder’s own...
[The article of Muhammad Shebl in October, September 15, resulted in an article in the Dutch Daily Trouw] While Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch political scientist of Somali origin, received death threats because of her untraditional convictions about Islam, Egyptians discuss freedom of religion. This is...
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