Displaying 81 - 90 of 1093.
An editorial from Watanī was in favor of reform of the personal status regulations relating to Coptic Christians has been released. In the editorial the author notes that the Coptic Church in Egypt refuses to implement the current 1938 Statute, which it views as too lenient and against its...
A Coptic Church in Benghazi has been subjected to new attacks. Unknown assailant set fire to the building and looted the place. This is the second attack in a short period of time.  Libyan investigators have also completed their investigation of four Egyptian detainees held on charges of...
The new Coptic Catholic Patriarch Ibrāhīm Ishāq’s installment will take place in the Coptic Catholic Virgin Mary Cathedral in Nasr City on March 12, 2013. The Coptic Catholic Holy Synod had elected him in January (Michael Victor, Watanī, Mar. 10, p. 1). Read original text in Arabic. 
The weekly Egyptian newspaper Watanī met with the Patriarch of the Church of Antioch and the entire Levant for Melkite Greek Catholics Pope Gregory III Lahhām who keeps a tradition of celebrating Christmas with his congregation in Cairo.
In the absence of swift justice and rule of law, a number of Egyptian governorates witnessed assaults on Christians and their properties over the last week. Archbishop ‘Abd al-Quddūs of Al-Fishn Diocese in Beni Suef stated that a group of thugs attacked  and demolished part of an old house annexed...
In accordance with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI, the Coptic Catholic Synod elected the new Patriarch as successor of Cardinal Antonius Najīb. Due to his health condition, the 77-years-old former Cardinal has resigned. His Successor Ibrāhīm Ishāq Sidrāk was born on August 19, 1955 in Banī...
The Coptic Catholic Church's Holy Synod, upon the wish of Cardinal Antonius Najīb, convened an extraordinary session on Wednesday (February 8) to discuss appointment of another head of the patriarchate due to health reasons for Archbishop Antonius. After the meeting, the Holy Synod issued an...
The panel, with the objection of the priest, recommended on Wednesday (February 1) delegating Shaykh Hawārī to sell the property of Abū Sulaymān, a trader of household appliances and a local notable of the area of Kubrī al-Sharbāt in al-Nahdah, and have him expelled from the village.
On Friday, Apr. 26, Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawāḍrūs II received the Grand Shaykh of al-Azhar Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib together with an Azhar delegation who came to congratulate the Pope for the feast of Easter. Pope Tawāḍrūs explained that as long as the Church and Azhar continue to have good relations, Egypt...
A confidential witness told Watanī News that “due to a dispute between 7 extremists and some Copts in Al-Jala’ village in Upper Egypt on whether a church should be built or not, some school children got involved in the dispute”. According to the witness, “school children were paid to pick fights...


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