Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
The Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, launched the “Help Gaza” campaign under the slogan “Strive with your money…and save Palestine.” This was launched in support of Palestinians, who are currently under heavy military attack from their Zionist counterpart, and have been so for the past...
The author analyzes the crisis of issuing Fatwás in terms of the discord status among official bodies of Fatwá, and their claims of monopolizing the Islām.
Egyptian MP, Rajab Hilāl Himīda, made a shocking statement in a parliamentary session claiming that the Qur’ān incites terrorism.
The press report that the Muslim Brotherhood have spent 28 million LE on election propaganda, and that their slogan, ’Islam is the solution’, is simply used to avoid providing detailed solutions to Egypt’s problems.
Members of the Creed and Philosophy Committee say that they are not new legislators and have not intentionally denied one of the fundamentals of religion, in an alleged attempt to justify their recommendation concerning the punishment for apostasy. They just want to terrorize anyone who thinks of...
This article refutes some religious ideas that are believed to be religious postulates. The callers for the establishment of a religious state always use such purportedly religious postulates to support their argument. The author believes that these postulates are among the reasons behind the...
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