Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
It is high time to relate the Crusades to Christianity. Rev. Rif‘at responds to Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib’s article in al-Ahrām where he defends Islam by attacking Christianity and the Bible.
It is not possible that God, Who is Just and Perfect and orders His servants to judge justly, takes Palestine from the Palestinians and gives it to the Israelis. The Palestinians have the right claim to it. Israelis are a group of foreign people who killed the prophets and broke God´s covenant...
Pope Shenouda stressed that he had good relationships with the political leadership in Egypt. He advised emigrant Copts to work for keeping the reputation of Egypt, explaining that the Christian leadership there has the ability to understand the situation in Egypt more than any other outside group.
The author believes that the negative attitude of the Vatican towards the Palestinian issue may encourage Israel to continue its attack against the Palestinians and shed more of their blood. He says it may make the Vatican lose the credibility which it says it has. The author asked the different...
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