Displaying 1 - 10 of 31.
The concept of citizenship, the author argues, is in line with the Islamic Sharīʿa . Citizenship has already been applied by the prophet and his companions. The author is in strong disagreement with the presentation of former Dutch Member of the European Parliament Bas Belder. Belder refers, based...
The Director of the Islamic Sheikhdom of Croatia, Shaykh ʿAzīz Hasanović, stated that there is no denying the efforts made by Dār al-Iftāʾ in Egypt to counter accusations of Islamophobia, which have been steadily increasing. This is especially true in light of the increasing number of racist...
An article presenting clarification on a number of Qur’ānic verses referenced by Geert Wilders in his film ’Fitna.’
In the article, the author talks about the philosophies of tolerance, justice, and equality that the Muslim caliphs adhered to when dealing with followers of religions other than Islām.
Islamic intellectual Dr. Muḥammad ‘Imārah has been released by the Egyptian high state security prosecutor, Hishām Badawī, after having been interrogated on charges of inciting sectarian sedition and insulting Copts and Christianity. While stating his acceptance of Dr. ‘Imārah’s apology for quoting...
In a series of articles, entitled ‘The Perils of a Religious State,’ Dr. Jābir ‘Aṣfūr, the secretary general of the Supreme Council of Culture, warns against the dangers of Islamic theocracy.
The author believes that the resignation of the Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī would be a blow to Islām and its principles, especially after the Council of Ministers issued a statement declaring that Husnī’s opinions about the veil are his alone and do not reflect the Council’s opinion.
In the light of al-Ghad’s publication of the "offensive" supplement which attacked the Prophet Muhammad’s companions and wife, the author of the article stresses the need for a consistent application of the law which criminalizes insulting religions.
The controversial draft law banning demonstrations inside mosques, recently submitted by the Ministry of Endowments to the Council of State, was the main focus of al-Ahrām’s recent interview with Dr. Mahmūd Hamdī Zaqzūq, the minister of endowments.


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