Displaying 11 - 16 of 16.
Islam promotes and celebrates diversity of mankind. had God wanted all people to believe in one religion, He would have made it so.
This article asserts that diversity is a natural characteristic of life and that Muslims should have a sense of belonging to Islam rather than to anything else.
The law of interaction and interchange- not the law of subordination and isolation should dominate the relations between one civilization and another. Islam rejects the practices of negation and conflict, which characterizes the Western civilization’s relation with others in the past and present.
The author uses verses from the Qur’ān to show how God meant people to be different in many aspects.
Bishop Yohanna Qulta discussed the hottest religious issues in an interview of Akher Sa’a.. He also answered all questions concerning the relationship between Islam and Christianity, and the differences between them. He commented on how the Qur’an regarded Jesus Christ and Mary, and on why they...
In this article which is a continuation of the interview reported in Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami last week Milad Hanna argues that Egypt has a unique cultural identity which is the reason for the good relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt since the entry of Islam into Egypt.


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