Displaying 11 - 17 of 17.
Fourteen centuries ago, the author argues that Islam began promoting mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among human beings.
[The RNSAW received this text from Dr. Abu Zayd for placement in the RNSAW. The text was first presented during a conference in June in Berlin, Germany] Since the occupation of Egypt by Bonaparte in 1798 Muslims have had to address the issue of secularization. Some Muslim thinkers believe Islam...
Asharq Al-Awsat published the second and final part of the interview with Dr. Abdel Monem Abul Fotouh, one of the prominent figures of Muslim Brotherhood group. This part discusses Muslim-Jewish relations and the rights of citizens.
The writer, Minister of Endowments, continues his writing about the importance of dialogue between different religions. He asserts that such dialogues will help in achieving peace and co-existence. He supports his argument with Qur´anic quotations.
It is clear from the comments on Bat Ye´or´s article, that not all the points she discussed have been responded to. For example, what she says concerning the fact that jihad belongs to the religious domain and cannot be discussed and the feeling of superiority in Islam.
Non-Muslims live in Muslim communities enjoying liberty; they keep their religion without being forced to hold another, and they share the duty of defending their nation. Then, what about the freedom of the Muslim himself? Could he change his religion, considering a tradition narrated by al-Bukhārī...
... we asked the professors of the Azhar and Islamic scholars for their opinion on what Al-Banna says. Their rage and objections against what he said surprised us. They made it clear that the apostate’s punishment is death and that a Muslim has no freedom to leave his religion.


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