Displaying 301 - 310 of 432.
Dr. ʿAlī Jumaʿa, former Mufti of Egypt, said in a televised statement that “launching hundreds of thousands of satellites to begin working on 5G networks has paved the way for the atmosphere to spread the Coronavirus, since it altered the Earth's electromagnetism.”
The Center for Coptic Studies at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is organizing a lecture tomorrow over Facebook Live entitled “Coptic Saint Corona…Patron Saint of Pandemics and Infectious Diseases.”  The lecture will be given by Dr. ʿIzzat Ṣalīb, expert of Coptic Heritage at the Ministry of Tourism and...
The Ministry of Endowments [al-Awqāf] confirmed that it will immediately end service to whoever publishes, adopts, or circulates the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideas.   
Shaykh of al-Azhar Dr. Aḥmad Ṭayyib directed his televised message to the Egyptian people about Coronavirus developments, following the controversial incident of people prevented the burial of a physician who died from Coronavirus.  He emphasized that all acts of bullying and mockery of those sick...
Shortly before noon on Saturday, Egyptian police shot tear gas on dozens of people in a Delta Nile village that refused to bury a woman infected with Coronavirus in the village’s graveyard out of fear of spreading the virus. 
Due to the precautionary decision to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus, churches all over the world and especially Egyptian Coptic churches are witnessing for the first time the cancelation of prayers and Holy Week religious services inside churches.  This is one of the most difficult...
Uncertainty lingers around the fate of al-Tarāwīḥ prayer (mass Ramadan evening prayers) in Ramaḍān 2020 at mosques after the Ministry of Endowments’ [al-Awqāf] decision to suspend Friday and congregational prayers at all mosques of Egypt as a precautionary measure to prevent gatherings that would...
The Egyptian government has lowered the ceiling of expectations for economic development for the rest of the year and the upcoming fiscal year after setting high targets in a new draft for the 2020-2021 budget that the government agreed on last month. 
Maʿādī Prosecution decided to release Līnā ʿAṭāllāh, editor-in-chief of Madā Maṣr on a bail of 2000 LE pending investigation, after being accused of “photographing a military installation.” She returned to al-Maʿādī police department to complete the procedures for release hours after being arrested...
The role that ʿAwaḍ ʿIryān mosque plays in Banī Suwayf City is no less than the role that the biggest mosques in the governorate play.  ʿAwaḍ ʿIryān mosque is considered a genuine symbol for the region of “Muqbil” where a Christian majority lives.


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