Date of source: Wednesday, January 29, 2020
After years of waiting, American President Donald Trump announced his plan to end the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, also known as “The Deal of the Century,” considered to “be the most serious, realistic, and detailed plan that has ever been presented.”After years of waiting, American President...
Date of source: Friday, January 17, 2020
Muḥammad ʿAwaḍ, a Muslim extremist, tried to kill Rafīq Karam, a Copt and owner of a car workshop on in al-Marj with a switchblade, cutting him deeply in the neck very close to his neck arteries. ʿAwaḍ did this all while directing insults and abuse towards Copts, and describing them as non-...
Date of source: Tuesday, January 14, 2020
The cassation court has set April 1st as the date for the first sessions in the re-trial of the two former monks accused of killing Bishop Epiphanius [Epīphaniyyūs], head of St. Macarius monastery (dayr Abū Maqār) in Wādī al-Naṭrūn, after petitions were presented by the monks’ defense team.
Date of source: Monday, February 3, 2020
Lawyer Najīb Jibrāʾīl, president of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights organization, submitted a complaint to chancellor Ḥamāda al-Ṣāwī, the public prosecutor, accusing youths of making fun of Christianity by dressing up as monks and dancing and doing acrobatics in the monastic garbs.
Date of source: Wednesday, January 8, 2020
In this article, the author reflects on how Islamists at a recent summit in Kuala Lumpur are focusing their efforts around the concept of “thinking about the Muslim Nation” [al-tafkīr bil-umma]. The author discusses the dangers of such a policy as enacted in Sudan and highlights the contradictions...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The city of al-Manṣūrah in Egypt’s Delta witnessed a mass sexual harassment of two girls, coinciding with the release of a song by Egyptian artist Tamīm Yūnis, which some believe incites more violence against women. The incident happened on New Year’s Eve, and a shocking video published on social...
Date of source: Saturday, January 4, 2020
The media center for the Cabinet of Ministers published an infographic, which brought to light the most recent result regarding the number of legalized churches and buildings in application of Law No. 80 of 2016. The state committee for the legalization of unlicensed churches, which was formed in...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 1, 2020
According to what Pope Tawāḍrūs II announced, the number of Christians in Egypt as of now has reached 15 million in addition to another two million living abroad in 60 different countries across the world. Christians make up close to 15% of the Egyptian people. Despite these large numbers, their...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Global Fatwa Index (GFI), which is under the authority of the Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ and the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, presented statistics about Christmas fatwas.
Date of source: Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Egyptian family court in Ḥilwān filed the grounds of its ruling, which was based on the enforcement of the statute of Orthodox Copts regarding inheritance distribution. It resulted in Coptic lawyer Hudā Naṣr Allāh and her brothers receiving the same share of inheritance.