Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
In the presence of a group of religious and political leaders, XploreNations Bible College, in partnership with the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC) , held a symposium on the doctoral thesis “Pope Shinūda III (1923-2012): a historical study”, which was obtained by the researcher in...
Dr. Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumʿa, Minister of Awqāf, congratulated Shaykh Jābir Ṭāyiʿ Yūsif Sulṭān, former head of the religious sector at the Ministry of Awqāf, on obtaining a PhD from the Faculty of Arts, Minūfiya University, for a thesis entitled, “Egypt’s Ministry of Awqāf Efforts in spreading...
The Public Prosecution Office stated that violence against women is not pervasive in the way that some people seek to export it, taking advantage of these facts and the community’s interest in following up on its details as if they express the state of society as a whole. These individual criminal...
The Egyptian women aspire to participate in the national dialogue to speak up about their problems and their proposals to reform legislation, policies, and procedures that limit their freedoms and their access to resources and opportunities available in society. Moreover, they aim to focus on...
The past few months witnessed two noticeable attacks in the media on Imam Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, Shaykh of al-Azhar. Last February, al-Ṭayyib was harshly criticized after old statements of his were discussed again and interpreted to permit “wife beating”. On that day, Dār al-Iftāʾ tweeted, via its...
The Evangelical community Leadership in Egypt received the land allocated to it in the first phase of the New Administrative Capital, with an area of ​​4,000 square meters in the block of embassies and ministries of ​​the Egyptian state. This land was allocated to build a church for the Evangelical...
Thanks to pressures of social media, Mary Majdī escaped a possible death. After the spread of a video of her husband beating her with a stick and threatening her with a knife when he almost killed her. The husband was referred to trial, and the first of its sessions was last Thursday. The judge...
The issue of “modesty in church” has raised a lot of controversy in the Coptic community, especially during the wedding season that starts right after Christmas. The instructions of the bishops are renewed annually for the so-called “adjustment of clothing for attending weddings and church events”.
Dr. Muʾmin al-Hawārī, Head of the Central Administration of the Red Sea region of Al-Azhar, and Shaykh Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm, Director-General of Preaching of the Red Sea, headed a delegation on Monday to visit the "Catholic, Orthodox, and Evangelical" churches of the city of Hurghada, in order to...
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